Culture – Jeremy Austill


  • This has been a historic week in our nation as Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed into the Supreme Court. Much has been said about her nomination and its implications for our present and future American society. Certainly it has been rife with political posturing and fighting. It seems everything these days
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  • As a Christian, we need to come to terms with something. If we are going to navigate the tumultuous terrain of our present society in a way that resembles this Jesus we call our Lord, we must drag ourselves up above the fray. Let’s start here….If anyone is surprised at the chaos we are seeing
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  • In our society, we tend to gravitate toward valuing titles. We often categorize what we do in life by using those titles. This is especially true in church society. We have pastors, bishops, evangelists, teachers, prophets, apostles, worship leaders, youth pastors, kids pastors, and associate pastors.
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  • Can we all agree that the world needs changing? Regardless of political preference, religious persuasion, educational accomplishment, economic class, or chosen profession, we all can look into this world and agree that repair is desperately needed. Pain, sorrow, manipulation, greed, deception, political
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  • I will readily admit, in the overarching sense, sports are meaningless. With the exception of those whose career is in the sports industry, sports do not put more food on our table, nor do they change the trajectory of our future (eternity included). Sports are entertainment. Period. They are the
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  • Charles Dickens’ opening line of “A Tale of Two Cities” seems apropos in our present American climate. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the
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  • Yesterday the historic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris caught on fire. The structure, over 800 years old, was engulfed in flames. Meaningful relics, beautiful art, historic documents, and walls that have reverberated the expressions of hundreds of thousands of worshipers, all were at the mercy of the
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  • Can we talk for a minute? Like really talk? I want to go on record… I love the church. I love the local church. I love the church abroad. I love the rural church. I love the metropolitan church. I love the small church. I love the mega-church. I love parachurch ministries. I love biker churches. I
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  • **Disclaimer: A friend encouraged me to add a disclaimer to the top of this entry. Please read the entire blog. If you stop after my first thought, you will miss my heart on the matter. Basically, read it all, or don’t read any of it. I write this with a hint of trepidation. I have consistently
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